Posted in health, improve health, motivation

Healthy Habits for Life

10 tips for Better Nutrition and Weight Loss

Weight loss shouldn’t been seen as a quick fix.  It should be seen as creating healthy, lasting habits that help you live a healthier lifestyle.  By incorporating these 10 nutrition tips below, you can set yourself up for success for a lifetime, even when life gets busy or you feel stressed.

1 – focus on small changes

Start by making small changes such as eating fruit instead of drinking fruit juice, or adding more colorful foods to your plate.  Over time, these small tweaks will add up to big results.

2 – be mindful of portions

A portion size is the amount of food or drink you consume in one sitting.  Learning to be mindful of portions can help prevent overeating.

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Photo by Quaz Amir on

3 – find a diet that works for you

There is no one-size fits all diet.  While one diet might work well for one family member, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is right for you.  Rather, it’s important to focus on eating a variety of nutrient dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats.  Ultimately, healthy eating is a lifestyle that nourishes the body, gives you energy, and is sustainable long term.

4 – Log your food

Keeping a consistent and accurate record of what you’re eating is extremely helpful when you’re trying to lose weight.  Many are surprised to discover that they aren’t eating enough to fuel weight loss.

5 – Cook more at home

If you are dining out or eating packaged goods on-the-go, you are likely consuming unneeded calories, sugar, and sodium.

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Photo by Pixabay on

6 – Add lean protein and minimize sugar

Protein is critical for weight loss, building muscle and recovering from tough workouts.  How much a person needs depends on several factors such as muscle mass, activity level, age and fitness goals.    The recommended daily allowance for protein intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight).

Too much added sugar can hamper weight loss and contribute to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

7 –be wary of health trends

Instead of hopping on every trend like drinking apple cider vinegar or avoiding foods with lectins for instance, instead focus on eating a well-balanced diet.

8 – Minimize overeating

Overeating can prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals in a timely manner.  Be mindful of eating techniques – which teach you to savor your food and slow down – can help you feel full and prevent a cycle of overeating.

9 – Find Support

Because healthy habits need a trigger or something to remind and motivate you, having support in your weight-loss journey is critical.  Find like-minded people who will encourage you to meet your goals.

10 – Rethink the scale

Signs that you are making progress don’t always show on the scale.  Remember, the scale is just one piece of the big picture.