Posted in health, improve health, motivation

Safety Tips for Nighttime Exercises

Most of us want to maintain a regular fitness routine, but sometimes our days are so jam-packed with other responsibilities that exercising during daylight hours is next to impossible.  If you like to exercise outdoors, there are some safety issues to consider if you are going to be out after dark. (or before the sunrise)

Planning Ahead for Safety

Staying safe at night requires a bit of planning.  Here are some things to consider before heading outside:

  • Plan your route and tell someone where you will be.  Let your friends/family know when to expect you back and make sure they know your exercise routine.
  • Carry your cell phone with you.
  • Carry identification – your drivers license or some sort of ID tag.
  • Don’t wear jewelry or carry money.
  • Dress to be seen.  Reflective material and bright clothing so you can be easily seen.

While you are out

Safety doesn’t stop when you’re out on the road.  Consider the following tips the next time you are exercising outside after dark:

  • Don’t exercise alone.  There is safety in numbers.
  • Stay alert!  Pay attention at all times to your surroundings.
  • Don’t wear headphones.  (see above)
  • Be aware of your environment.  Know which businesses are open, which neighbors are home if you need to go for help in an emergency.
  • Change your route periodically.
  • Avoid unpopulated areas, poorly lit or deserted streets and overgrown trails.
  • Exercise against traffic so you can see oncoming cars.
  • Obey your gut feelings and trust your intuition.
  • If you think that you are being followed, change your direction immediately and head for safety.
  • Use caution if anyone in a vehicle stops and asks you for directions.
  • Have your key ready before you reach home so you can get inside quickly.
  • Call the police immediately if you notice anything out of the ordinary when you’re out.
woman girl silhouette jogger
Photo by Pixabay on

Traveling and Vacation Safety

Staying safe when you’re away from familiar areas can be tricky, so exercise caution in a new place.  Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Check with hotel staff to find out which exercise routes are safe.
  • Learn your temporary exercise route as well as possible before you head out.
  • Carry a card with your hotel’s address on it, as well as your identification.
  • Don’t carry your room key, leave it at the front desk.
  • Don’t let your guard down.

These tips aren’t meant to scare you.  Safety should be your number one priority.